Posts in FlyingFur
Film Teaser

As the rough cut gets underway for the #flyingfuranimalrescuedocumentary, Alicia and I have put together a short “teaser-trailer” to give you a taste of the film. No specifics yet! Just cool shots, a quick K9 couple cameo, and a short conversation from Paul Steklenski.

What will ultimately be in the film? What would you like to see? Let us know.

And keep liking and sharing #flyingfuranimalrescuedocumentary to stay in the loop and find out more!

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Paper Cut

We want to share the creation of Flying Fur documentary with you every step of the way. This week we’re building a rough outline and sticking stuff onto the editing room wall.

It’s an old fashioned way to approach editing in this digital age, but it’s a very productive step in the crafting of the documentary.

All the best quotes are in front of our eyeballs.

Now the next step of creation begins: arranging and weaving the content into a cohesive storyline. Basically, when the documentary “reads” good then we know we’re really onto something. Even at this early stage, the narrative is really exciting.

We can’t wait to hone the words of Paul and the ladies at Wilson County Humane Society, Pam, Jana, Kim, and Kristen into an inspiring “tail” that you all will love.

Stay tuned! And please like and share our content. Let everyone you know about the important issue of animal rescue and this miraculous story!

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